Monday, March 10, 2008

linux is fun but life is boring

i'm bored every day. the only enjoyment i have is my laptop. i fiddle around with linux, do research, try to get things working and then i'm bored again. my writing bores me. my pictures bore me. i want to go to bed. i'm bored and i'm boring and i'm borin and i'm bored. surrounded by low rumbling rumbling rumbling the same rumbling. maybe i'll go to the rado, maybe i'll head to the coffee shop. maybe i'll just stop thinking about it and i'll suddenly find myself mindlessly driving home behind you or in front of you or all the way across town from where you are now or you are tomorrow or had just been 5 minutes ago. look at me. don't i look bored?

pint of beer and tunes from a box!
froth paints my mustache like a tail of a fox!
the sun was up high but now it is night,
i'm drunker than shit flung through the sky.
i fall on my left knee and land on my ear,
if i'll ever wake up isn't so clear,
i hope i'll meet my maker, cause he'll shake his head
cause there's no beer in heaven and i drank it all till i was dead.

blah blah blah blah


Anonymous said...

good shit boring dude... i love it how you express your boring self via your boring post, but keep it coming! I laughed until i got bored of laughing and eventually felt sorry about myself for laughing at this and found myself in a pretty boring situation that couldn't get out of. I'm listening to Crash Test Dummies right now and something tells me it is because they make boring.

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